24 March 2011

Request or Task Scheduling

I worked on the product which was developed for reconciling bank transaction. That reconciliation was performed on the bases of priority. In order to execute priority based requests from different threads, I have written an scheduler for executing them. Following is the source code of that scheduler.

Source Code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;

namespace EXtremecode.Common
    //each request must implement this interface. 
    public interface IScheduledProcess
        void Execute();
 public class PriorityComparer : IComparer<int>
        #region IComparer<int> Members

        public int Compare(int x, int y)
            return x - y;


    public enum PriorityLevel
         High = 10
       , Normal = 5
       , Low = 1

    public class ProcessSchedular
        //for identifying a schedular
        private static Dictionary<string, ProcessSchedular>
            schedularDict = new Dictionary<string, ProcessSchedular>();

        //for priority based execution
        private SortedDictionary<int, Queue<IScheduledProcess>>
            queuesDict = new SortedDictionary<int, Queue<IScheduledProcess>>(
                new PriorityComparer());

        //for controlling termination of main thread.
        private volatile bool isRunning = false;

        //for letting single thread to be executed at a time.
        private AutoResetEvent autoReset = new AutoResetEvent(false);

        //it is used for time based schdular (without priority). All registed process will be executed simultaneously
        public event Action OnExecuteProcess;
        public static ProcessSchedular CreateInstance(string key)
            ProcessSchedular processSchedular;
            if (schedularDict.ContainsKey(key))
                processSchedular = schedularDict[key];
                processSchedular = new ProcessSchedular();
                schedularDict.Add(key, processSchedular);
            return processSchedular;


        public static ProcessSchedular GetInstance(string key)
            ProcessSchedular processSchedular = null;
            if (schedularDict.ContainsKey(key))
                processSchedular = schedularDict[key];

            return processSchedular;


        //Add process to prioriy based schedular with normal priority
        public void AddProcess(IScheduledProcess process)
            AddProcess(process, PriorityLevel.Normal);

        //Add process to prioriy based schedular with provided priority
        public void AddProcess(IScheduledProcess process, PriorityLevel priorityLevel)
            AddProcess(process, (int)priorityLevel);

        public void AddProcess(IScheduledProcess process, int priorityLevel)
            autoReset.Set(); //every time single thread will me released.

        public void StopScheduling()
            isRunning = false;
        public void StartTimeBasedScheduling(object objInterval)
            int interval = (int)objInterval;
            isRunning = true;
            while (isRunning)


                    if (OnExecuteProcess != null)


        public void StartPriorityBasedScheduling()
            isRunning = true;
            while (isRunning)
                while (true)
                    Queue<IScheduledProcess> queue
                        = GetQueueToExecute();

                    if (queue == null)
                        //wait for next processes

                            //thread should not be terminated
                            //process should handle this exception.


        private Queue<IScheduledProcess> GetQueue(int priorityLevel)

            Queue<IScheduledProcess> queue;
            if (queuesDict.ContainsKey(priorityLevel))
                queue = queuesDict[priorityLevel];
                queue = new Queue<IScheduledProcess>();
                queuesDict.Add(priorityLevel, queue);

            return queue;

        private Queue<IScheduledProcess> GetQueueToExecute()
            foreach (int key in queuesDict.Keys)
                if (queuesDict[key].Count > 0)
                    return queuesDict[key];
            return null;

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