26 March 2011

Object Pooling

While writing eXtremecode's business layer, I found some performance related issues when creating a large number of business objects.
Each business object contains some heavy objects which require comparatively larger amount of system memory. Firstly I was creating these objects on each creation of business object, later I realized that these objects should be shared by related business objects, but that was not the solution as business objects were being created in different threads. Finally I decided to make a pool of similar objects so each thread could request pooled objects and could use them independently.

Pooling Source Code

Copyright (c) 2010, Sheikh Abdul Wahid Ahmed
Details @ http://extremecodeworld.codeplex.com/license

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;

namespace EXtremecode.Common
    public interface IPooledObject
        ObjectPool Pool
 public class ObjectPool
        private Stack<IPooledObject> pool = new Stack<IPooledObject>();
        private int poolSize;
        private int numberOfPooledObjectsCreated = 0;
        private int timeOut = 15000; // in millisecond
        private Func<IPooledObject> CreateObject;
        private AutoResetEvent autoReset = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        private string poolName = string.Empty;

        public ObjectPool(Func<IPooledObject> CreateObject)
            : this("UnKnown", CreateObject, 10, 15000)

        public ObjectPool(string poolName, Func<IPooledObject> CreateObject)
            : this(poolName, CreateObject, 10, 15000)
        { }

        public ObjectPool(Func<IPooledObject> CreateObject
                , int timeOut)
            : this("UnKnown", CreateObject, 10 ,timeOut)
        { }

        public ObjectPool(string poolName, Func<IPooledObject> CreateObject
                , int timeOut)
            : this(poolName, CreateObject, 10, timeOut)
        { }

        public ObjectPool(string poolName,Func<IPooledObject> CreateObject
            , int poolSize, int timeOut)
            this.CreateObject = CreateObject;
            this.poolSize = poolSize;
            this.poolName = poolName;
            this.timeOut = timeOut;

        public IPooledObject GetObject()
            while (true)
                lock (pool)
                    if (pool.Count > 0)
                        //get object from the pool.
                        Console.WriteLine("[{0}] PooledObject Poped  (Opened Objects [{1}])"
                            , poolName
                            ,numberOfPooledObjectsCreated - pool.Count);
                        return pool.Pop();

                        if (numberOfPooledObjectsCreated < poolSize)
                            //numbers of pooled object has not crossed the limit yet
                            //so create new object and return
                            IPooledObject pooledObject = CreateObject();
                            if (pooledObject != null)
                                pooledObject.Pool = this; //add self reference
                                //which will be used to get the object back into pool again. 
                            Console.WriteLine("[{0}] PooledObject Created  (Opened Objects [{1}])"
                                , poolName
                                , numberOfPooledObjectsCreated - pool.Count);

                            return pooledObject;

                    Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Waiting for PooledObject", poolName);
                    bool timeOutOccured = !autoReset.WaitOne(timeOut); 

                    if (timeOutOccured)
                        throw new Exception(
                            string.Format("object request from the pool '{0}' has been timeout"
                            , poolName));

        public void ReleaseObject(IPooledObject pooledObject)
            Console.WriteLine("[{0}] PooledObject Pushed  (Opened Objects [{1}])"
                , poolName
                , numberOfPooledObjectsCreated - pool.Count);


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